2023.11.12 Nov 12, 2023 今天睡了个懒觉,快9点时哈妹来找我们玩了会儿牌。小眼要加班,我们决定一起去五道口玩会儿。 在书店玩了会玩具、看了会书,最后看巧克力的书时迫不及待的想要去买巧克力吃。五道口购物中心貌似不叫华联了,地下一层的变化很大,多了好多饮品店。坐旋转木马,吃面,继续坐旋转木马,电玩城玩游戏,买帽子,最后接上妈妈回家,很困。 OpenAI TTS, fable voice A vibrant day scene capturing various activities: a family playing cards in a cozy home setting, exploring a bookstore with sections of toys and books, craving chocolate, visiting a renovated shopping center with new beverage shops. The scene transitions to enjoying carousel rides, having a noodle meal, engaging in arcade games, and shopping for hats. The environment is lively, depicting a joyful and tiring day out, ending with a content return home. Art style: Surrealism. Puran Zhang @puran