
看完电影,小眼去做美甲,我则在办公室待了会。尝试用 ChatGPT 时,被提示账号违规被停用了,在帮助页面找 Support 留言了,看能不能给恢复回来吧。

哈妹今天晚上给我们打了很长时间的电话,她说想我们了,也期望我能立马变到她那去或者她能拉我过去。她回家的这几天都没能看上 iPad,因为没电了家里又没有合适的充电器。

昨天把《非暴力沟通》看完了,今天在开始看《终身成长》,基本都是例子,感觉不是那么有趣,但也还是会把它读完的。期间,还稍微了解了一下电子书架,想尝试做一个自己的书架,不管是 Web 应用还是 iOS 应用。我觉得比较好的几个应用或服务:

A bright, sunny late morning in the kitchen of a small apartment. Two people, dressed in casual clothes, are tackling a major cleaning project. Surrounded by boxes and bags of stuff to be sorted, they work with gusto, their laughter and conversation filling the room. Their faces are flushed and beads of sweat dot their foreheads, but they radiate joy and camaraderie. Style: Anime, slice-of-life, heartwarming, detailed --ar 16:9 --v 6.0
Puran Zhang @puran