2024-12-07 TIL: Dental Health and Baseball Basics
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The first permanent molar, also known as the six-year molar, is the earliest permanent tooth to erupt, usually around age six.
- Located as the sixth tooth from the midline, it grows behind the last baby tooth.
- Importance of the First Permanent Molar: Longest-lasting tooth in life. Takes on the majority of chewing functions. Plays a key role in aligning the upper and lower dental arches and guiding other permanent teeth. Requires early protection through fissure sealant application to prevent damage.
Fissure Sealants
A highly effective method to prevent decay in the grooves of young permanent teeth.
- Involves applying a sealing material on the biting surface and grooves of molars to protect against bacteria and food buildup.
- Non-invasive, painless, and preserves natural tooth structure.
- The material hardens to form a protective barrier over deep grooves, preventing decay.
A Pro Player Explains The Rules Of Baseball
The count matters
- Hitters don’t want to strike out
- Pitchers don’t want to walk hitters
Baseball Rules for Beginners
strike, ball, hit, foul ball, and fair ball
- 3 strike = out
- 4 ball = walk (batter advances to first base)
- 1 hit = walk
- foul ball, 0 or 1 strike counts as a strike, 2 strikes do not count as a strike.
- 1st base loaded fair play: Caught (Runner must return) or Dropped (Runner advances)