2024-12-11 TIL: Snapdrop, Sora Technology & Driving Instructors

2024-12-11 TIL: Snapdrop, Sora Technology & Driving Instructors



A local file-sharing tool in your browser, inspired by Apple’s AirDrop.

  • Frontend: Vanilla JavaScript
  • P2P connection: WebRTC/WebSockets
  • Backend: NodeJS
  • Clients: Progressive Web App

中学生能看懂:Sora 原理解读

Key steps and technology behind Sora video generation:

  1. Input Data Processing: Using a video compression network to compress images or videos into low-dimensional representations, simplifying processing while retaining rich visual data.
  2. Spatiotemporal Patch Generation: Sora breaks down the compressed data into spatiotemporal patches, capturing both spatial and temporal information for complex video content.
  3. Text-conditioned Diffusion Model: Sora uses text prompts to guide a Diffusion model that progressively denoises and generates visual content matching the text description.


Driving Instructors

Puran Zhang @puran