2024-12-24 TIL: ACDC, Tailscale, GIS RSS Feeds, New Year’s Day, Bearer
ACDC (Automated Creation of Digital Cousins)
ACDC is a fully automated pipeline designed to generate interactive simulated scenes, referred to as “digital cousins,” from a single RGB image.
- Unlike digital twins, which are exact replicas of real-world counterparts, digital cousins maintain similar geometric and semantic affordances without explicitly modeling the real-world scene.
- Genie 2 and ACDC Pipeline are both advanced AI models designed for generating interactive environments from image inputs, Genie 2 is geared towards creating diverse 3D worlds for AI and human interaction, whereas ACDC focuses on producing simulated scenes to enhance robot learning and deployment.
 are an Australian rock band formed in Sydney in 1973. Their music has been variously described as hard rock, blues rock and heavy metal, although the band calls it simply “rock and roll”.
Tailscale is a mesh VPN (Virtual Private Network) service that streamlines connecting devices and services securely across different networks.
- It enables encrypted point-to-point connections using the open source WireGuard protocol, which means only devices on your private network can communicate with each other.
- Unlike traditional VPNs, which tunnel all network traffic through a central gateway server, Tailscale creates a peer-to-peer mesh network (known as a tailnet).
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元日 (New Year’s Day)
爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇。 千門萬戶曈曈日,總把新桃換舊符。
The person who owns an official document or banknote.
- The passport
No. E********
of the PRC was issued to the bearer of this passport.