2024-12-25 TIL: GitHub Comment IDs and macOS Terminal Customization

2024-12-25 TIL: GitHub Comment IDs and macOS Terminal Customization


GitHub issue comment’s ID

To find a GitHub issue comment’s ID via the web interface:

  • Navigate to the specific issue containing the comment.
  • Hover over the timestamp near the commenter’s name. The URL will look like:
  • Alternatively, use browser developer tools to inspect the comment’s HTML element and locate the id attribute, which contains the comment ID.

Custom Headings in Issue Comments:

  • GitHub’s web interface doesn’t support assigning custom id attributes directly to headings using Markdown.
  • However, you can use HTML instead. For example, instead of using Markdown syntax like ## My Heading, use: <h2 id="my-heading">My Heading</h2>.

How To Customize Your macOS Terminal

  • Setting a theme from Terminal > Preferences, drag the scheme/terminal/One Dark.terminal file into your Terminal Profiles list.
  • Configure .bash_profile in the home directory via vim .bash_profile, then add source ~/.bash_prompt and source ~/.aliases.
  • Configure .bash_prompt and .aliases.
    • If you are using zsh (check with echo $SHELL command), you could modify your terminal to open shell with a custom command with /bin/bash.
Puran Zhang @puran