🌍 #ArcGISEarth230Tips | Tip 3: Unlock the Power of 30+ Supported Data Formats πŸ“Š

Did you know ArcGIS Earth supports over 30 data formats across 3 major categories, offering unmatched flexibility for integrating, visualizing, and analyzing geospatial data? From local files to web services, every workflow is covered.

πŸ› οΈ 3 Key Data Format Categories with 30+ Supported Formats:

1️⃣ Local Files & Packages πŸ“ ArcGIS Earth seamlessly integrates local datasets and offline packages for both desktop analysis and field operations, including KML/KMZ, Shapefile, Raster, 3D Models, GPX, MSPK, and more.

2️⃣ ArcGIS Services 🌐 Leverage real-time data streams and centralized services from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise to power dynamic, up-to-date visualizations. Supported formats include Feature Service, Map Service, Image Service, Scene Service, and more.

3️⃣ OGC Standards 🌍 Ensure global interoperability with open geospatial standards. ArcGIS Earth supports OGC-compliant data formats, making integration with third-party systems seamless. Examples include WMS, WFS, WMTS, GeoPackage, 3D Tiles, SLPK, and others.

πŸš€ Pro Tip: Drag and drop files directly into ArcGIS Earth or use the Add Data panel to quickly integrate multiple formats into your scene.

Screenshot of Pulen, Argentina, from ArcGIS Earth
Puran Zhang @puran