2025-02-26 TIL: Quid Pro Quo and Self-Adhesive Label Stickers

2025-02-26 TIL: Quid Pro Quo and Self-Adhesive Label Stickers


Quid Pro Quo

/ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ/

  • Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services in which one transfer is contingent upon the other—“a favor for a favor.”

Self-Adhesive Label Stickers (口取纸)

Also known as index paper, self-adhesive label stickers were originally coated with glue, requiring users to lick them before sticking them to ledger pages or documents for notes or numbering. This practice led to the name 口取纸, which refers to licking before use.

Self-Adhesive Label Stickers
Puran Zhang @puran